June 21, 2007

So, Here is what I have been up to!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been SUPER MOM for the past 3 weeks, driving anywhere from 2 to 4 hours a day chauffeuring my girls between camps!!!! It has been CRAZY!!! On top of that, I have been taking my son to Hockey practices and games and also my oldest daughter to Figure Skating lessons. And then about a million other things that have to do with my Photography Business and Home Life. It has been very hectic but all GOOD! All of our lives have been enriched by all those that have been a part of the last three weeks. When I get back from our vacation, I will be doing a LOT more of this:
AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Junior Camp Counselor!!!!!!!!

This is our Teenager!!! She has been enjoying being a Jr. Camp Counselor out at James Island County Park for the last couple of weeks. Her last day is tomorrow and I hope to get out there early enough tomorrow to get some pics for her with all her campers! They are CRAZY about Kyla!!! I took my other two kids out there to the Splash Zone water park the other day. When we were there, we witnessed Kyla being swarmed by all the children that adore her. It was so cute and a proud moment for me.

Here is Grace, the Senior Camp Counselor that Kyla worked with for the two weeks. Grace was really sweet to Kyla and a great role model to them all. Thanks Grace for taking care of my Junior Camp Counselor.

This is one of many campers that loved Kyla. He was a super sweet boy!!!

She came home and taught her little sister and brother some great games. They adore her too!!! She can be so much fun!!!!!!! We are so proud of you!!!!!!!

Our Drama Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is our little actress!! She has been at Drama Camp for two weeks and the camps finale was this past Saturday. They put on an AWESOME production called Beauty is a Beast. It was Terrific. I am convinced more than ever now that my girl has got something. Matter of fact, I am already planning to send her to another drama camp next month here in town. I am SO PROUD of her!!! (She is the PRETTY one in the velvet blue dress and yellow flowers around her head.)

These were the narrator "fairies". They were so comical and the Jester was a riot!!Great performers!!!!!!

Here, my daughter is trying to offer Beauty, that is truly a Beast, a piece of fruit.

This is the Fairy Godmother and BOY was he, I mean She, a hoot!!! What a sport!!!! She had a plan for that Beast of a Beauty!!!

My Girl deserves an academy award!!! She finds it hysterical that the Beauty actually looks more like a troll. The Fairy Godmother's plan worked! The Beast had a healthy dose of Humble Pie!!!!!!!! Great Work Drama Team!!!!!!!!!!! We were truly entertained!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 19, 2007

Shark FOUND in the Charleston Fountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can You Believe it????? A SHARK in Charleston's Famous Pineapple Fountain!!! OH MY!!!!!!!!

Silly me! It is NOT a shark, it is my little Mister!!! What a SMILE!!! He has wanted to jump in every time that we are down at water front park but we always have somewhere to be. So since sister's were at camp, I decided to take him for a surprise. Judging by his smile that could not get any bigger, he was HAPPEEEEEEE!!!

He had a kickin' good time!!

AND did NOT want to leave. Here he is begging, soooo how can you not give in to that??????

So I did as most firm and balanced parents would do, I bargained!

There is another fountain on the way to the car and an Italian Ice stand. ;)

June 18, 2007

Pretty Teens!!!!!!!!!!

Downtown getting a few pics of a very pretty girl!!! It was great working with You!!! YOU should definitely pursue your modeling desires, you are a natural.

Could not let her beautiful friend go without a quick shot!

June 17, 2007

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wishing the two BESTEST Daddies that I know, a VERY HAPPY FATHER's Day!!!!!!

Our children are SO blessed to have a Daddy like YOU!!!! LOVE YOU ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND MY DADDY!!!!!!!!!! I am VERY Blessed to have YOU for my Daddy!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!

June 8, 2007

Historical St. Andrew's Church Wedding

This stunning wedding took place at the Old St. Andrew's Parish Church. It is the oldest surviving church in South Carolina. Last year the Parish celebrated its 300th Anniversary. As you can see, a beautiful church to start your lives together. This wedding was just about as formal as one can get. The men wore white gloves and tuxedos with tails and the ladies were styling in the prettiest tailored dresses. Everything was so well thought out before so all that was left was to enjoy the Bride and Grooms Big Day! And that they did! If rain truly means luck on your Wedding Day, then this couple can't get any luckier. Barry, the second named tropical storm for 2007 made his introduction but this couple did not get upset about it one bit, they knew what was important, their LOVE.

Love this shot as it simply states the obvious, what it is all about.

AH! Love, Sweet Love.

Signing their marriage license with Rev. Marshall Huey.

Caught this image of the Bride and her sister as I was juggling an umbrella, camera and gear. The Bride and Groom were in a small room just off of the main chapel, enjoying some time with their family after the ceremony. They spotted me outside and eagerly opened the blinds for this great shot. It really sums up the day quite well, stormy and wet on the outside but shining on the inside. I think there is a lesson in that!

This is the first dance as the new Mr. and Mrs.!!

LOVE their Passion!!!!

Here is a "ring shot". I was happy to get this and the set is gorgeous, looks like it might be an heirloom.

The dance floor was very roomy and made the perfect spot for some action. Look at the Bride show her stuff!!

Everyone gathered around to cheer, GREAT!

The Father and Mother of the Bride had a ball, as did everyone else. Great laugh!!

A detail shot of the flowers and glasses. These flowers were so elegant.

This regal Lady was the Grandmother of the Groom. Don't you just love her smile. She is such a classy dresser.

This is the Oldest and Youngest Guest attending. I am sure this Great Lady has thoughts of back when... This indeed could be this beautiful Bride one day remembering when....

Having the time of her LIFE, as she should!!!

CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!!!! Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your grand day, I feel very privileged to have been there. And also a BIG Thanks to Robbin Knight for the invite. It was great to watch him at work!

June 3, 2007

The Pisowicz Twins!

Our family is so EXCITED to announce the births of Baylinn and Breena Pisowicz! We will be going down to Florida to meet our little nieces very soon! Kyla, Kinzi and Kade have been storing up great amounts of LOVE for their new COUSINS!! Brian and Britten are the proud new parents of these two gorgeous little angels. They have been through so much to get these girls here safely. They were born on May 30th weighing in over 5 healthy pounds EACH! This is truly amazing for twins born that early. Not one day spent in NICU!! Way to Go Britten!! You fought an awesome battle for your babies!! Brian Pisowicz, the proud NEW DADDY, is Bill's brother and Shara's brother-in-law.

WOW Brian!! The Love you have for your beautiful baby daughters shows!! You are going to make an Awesome Daddy!

Breena Sue(5lbs, 6oz) born at 1:35pm, 18.5 inches long
Baylinn Dawn(5lbs, 1oz) born at 1:37pm, 18 inches long

Look at this Perfect Family!! Britten, You look Fabulous! Way to GO GIRL!!!

We Love you Girlies Already!! Let the SPOILING Begin!! Can't Wait!

June 1, 2007

Shara Lana's Website LIVE!!!!!!!!

I am very excited to announce that my new website has gone LIVE! It is now on the the Internet for everyone to see! At www.SharaLana.com there are actually 3 different sites within that one domain.

You will first see my bright and cheerful new logo! I love circles and the many beautiful things that they represent, so this logo is perfect for me. They are also very FUN and Cheerful!! Got to like it!!
Here you will see the three sites that you will want to visit.

The WEDDING site will show my recent work here in Charleston. I have found the site music that I want, as well something really cool for the portrait site, but it will be a little while before it gets heard, waiting for permission from the artists. If you know of a soon to be Bride, lead her here and let her stroll through all the different Weddings! I would LOVE to be her Wedding Photographer and give to her the beautiful memories documented that she will be able to carry throughout her life!

The Blog is a fun spot, a place that you will want to bookmark, actually bookmark the site as well! My work will continuously be added to this space and there will be a bit of Shara Lana too! Blogging can be very time consuming, something that I don't have a lot of these days. Although I would want to blog often, if you come back to no news, that means I am just too darn busy (not a bad thing at all!) but stay tuned, that means MORE is surely coming! It is pretty easy to navigate through the Blog but just know that when you get to the bottom of the page, there is MORE, go to older post and be sure to check those out as well. There is an archive on the side that you can use for easy navigation. Also, be sure to leave comments!! You can add your comments at the bottom of each post! Would LOVE to hear from YOU!!!

THEN, last but DEFINITELY not LEAST, Visit the Portrait Site! This is where you will find everything outside of a Wedding. Here you will find Children, Family and Teen Portraits and some Artsy things too! I will be adding to these areas as well! If you need Family Portraits or know of a FAMILY that does, send them my way! That goes the same for TEENS. Always looking for some Teens, High School Seniors that want to have some FUN. We will be sure to get some "killer shots"!

And I just have to say THANKS so much for ALL the support!!! I have been Blessed beyond words to have had the ABSOLUTE, without a DOUBT, BEST CLIENTS so far!!! It has been such a privilege to have worked with each of you and the feedback that I have received has BLOWN me away! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Also, Thanks to Jill Higgins for the awesome support and direction you have given!! You have been so kind and encouraging! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

SO THERE you have it!! Hope you enjoy your visit!